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She felt sorry for her little brother, she knew he was picked upon by the other litter mates but…in a way she understood him, and he just said what everyone was thinking. She lowered her head down in a shame that he saw her give into her feelings; she needed to be strong for him and everyone else. She didn’t need him to be scared, and he didn’t need her to be scared. She smiled softly as she tried to pull her-self back together, not looking at his eyes that begged for them all to wake up and to be back at home with their mother. She so badly just wanted to tell her brother yes, just to see him smile, however she couldn’t lie to him, she wouldn’t lie to him. She slowly walked over to her brother sitting down next to him shaking her head. She refused to speak in the tongue that every one spoke around here, hoping that if she managed to stick to her old ways that mother had taught all of them, that she would come back and take them home. "Besser. Ich hasse ihn hier" She snorted, it smelled funny and the water was way too salty for her liking. She missed the den; she missed mother’s stories and teaching. She still she still wanted to know, mostly about her mother’s past and the father of her and her brother’s and sister. She wanted to have all them times that she was suppose to have as a child, she wanted the mommy and her time, but now here they were stuck in some ungodly lands where they all talked funny. "Roulette, sprechen nie wie sie. Möglicherweise kommt Mamma dann zurück! "She gave a hopeful nod, it was a very logical thought, after their mother didn’t work that hard on teaching them German if she didn’t want them to know it and use it.

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