Ocean and Atlantic; Joining
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Phoenix sometimes forgot how intimidating he could look on the outside—large and brutish looking, with scars and marks all over his body and a braid of stubborn mane that dangled from the back of his head even when he was unshifted. His fur was dark and his multi-hued eyes piercing, as if he was looking into the stranger’s soul—which was completely within his abilities if he wished to. But he respected the other wolf’s right to privacy and instead softened his own dominant stance by lowering his tail when she showed the proper amount of respect to him.

The massive male listened to the newcomer speak and then turned to his daughter for her opinion. She seemed to be sold, but there was something Nocht had said in passing that bothered Phoenix a little. “To us, a pack is a family,” he pointed out. “I don’t really like wolves who jus’ join for th’winter or only so long as it suites their needs. If you pledge your allegiance t’Storm, we can’t make you stay forever. But we’re opening our hearts and our homes to you, an’ we’d hope that you would do th’same. If you join our pack, you join a family.” He didn’t want to see yet another wolf leave the lands just as they grew close to her. “What do you say?”

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