the nexus of the crisis, and the origin of storms

OOC Info
Name: Jassy (Jasanni)
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 29 April 1982
Location: Baltimore, MD USA
Email: jasanni at gmail dot com
AIM: ScarletWolfsong
MSN: jasanni at hotmail dot com

IC Info
Name: Dreyrugr Stormbringer
Gender: Male
Birthdate: 15 March 2006
Luperci: Ortus
Fur: Russet redbrown
Eyes: Emerald
Distinguishing Marks: Vertical scar extending from above his right brow to below his right jawbone, second scar beginning under his left jaw and extending diagonally across his neck and chest ending several inches below his collarbone, several notches missing from outside edge of his right ear
Adornments: Several silver earrings: in his left ear is a large vertical barbel, in his right ear are three simple silver studs of different sizes, decreasing in size as they go up his outer lobe.
Father: Illskun Sidartha (deceased)
Mother: Draneia Stormbringer
Brothers: Wraith, Skripi (deceased)
Sisters: Vili, Miskunn, Kol, Bris
Mate: Alexey Koios
Extended: Lillith Stormbringer (aunt)

Appearance: Dreyrugr takes after his Grandfather Crow in body type, though not coloration. His form is large and bulky, crafted for brute strength and little speed. His pelt is of uncommon color amongst the Stormbringers, being of a deep, rich brown highlighted with bloody crimson. His very appearance gave him his name, which means "bloodstained" in their native tongue. He bears the typical wolf saddle on his neck and withers, being of a peppered black over his base color. His bright eyes are another oddity among his bloodline, as they are a sharp, piercing emerald green. He commonly wears several silver earrings: in his left ear is a large vertical barbel, in his right ear are three simple silver studs of different sizes, decreasing in size as they go up his outer lobe.

Drey's optime form is just as large and hulking as his wolf form. His thick mane starts out as his base color at its roots, gradually fading into the peppered black of his saddle marking by its ends, and usually has many braids and silver trinkets strung throughout, along with a single large eagle feather. He also retains his earrings.

Biography: It seemed that the Stormbringer line at one time had been destined for extinction. The only two remaining members, twins named Ravyn and Crow, were the sole survivors of a terrible plague that had struck their pack without warning. In the fit of terror, the sister had abandoned her frailer brother as their mother lay twitching in her death-throes, but fate and fortune would prove the twins to be far more hardy and lucky than they'd ever dreamed. Both survived their childhood with the help of fate, even surviving a near-fatal reunion that had pitted the two at each other's throat. The twins managed after a time to reconcile with the help of Ravyn's headstrong daughter Rain, and the two had parted ways to establish their futures. Ravyn accompanied her beloved mate, Freak Oriel, back to his homeland, and in the course of Crow's travels he finally met a woman named Surind who could fit with his nature and complete his existence. Each sired many children with their respective mates, many of them possessed of their line's adventurous nature and seeking their own destinies in faraway lands when they'd come of age.

Dreyrugr, grandson of Crow, was one of those strongwilled children. On the occasional reunion of the matriarch and patriarch of the Stormbringer lines, the twins would touch upon the dark times in their lives only briefly, and always with a warning about something they referred to as "The Darkness" in the Stormbringer bloodline. Family history, which had developed among them into something akin to mythology, alluded that the line was descended from the great Fenris himself, and that as a result they all carried a hint of personality as dark as their most common fur color, and a mind that could sometimes teeter on the cliffs of insanity. Ravyn and Crow both knew what it was like to give into that paranoia and bloodlust, and they made it very clear to their brood that it was a highly unpleasant existence. Crow's line, in particular, had a very detailed demonstration for themselves when he'd snapped one night, killing Drey's father in a murderous rage when he discovered his sadistic abuse of Draneia, Drey's mother and Crow's beloved and gentle daughter.

The first few seasons of Dreyrugr's life were somewhat uneventful. There was tension throughout the years, however, as the Stormbringers' arch rivals the Dawnrunners were an ever-present danger. Shortly after the departure of his youngest sister Kol, that danger erupted into a firestorm with a surprise ambush that reignited the ancient war between the two bloodlines. The Dawnrunners attacked in the dead of night, with both sides suffering casualties.

The conflict continued for months, both sides calling for aid from extended family and allies, with the end result being an uneasy truce once again. Many of the Stormbringers' friends and relatives have remained in the Valley for the time being, just on the off chance that the fire could erupt yet again.

Drey's youngest sister, however, chose not to remain and instead returned to the lands of Souls where she'd decided to make her life. Intrigued, and more confortable knowing that there were plenty of able-bodied family members to protect the pack, the russet male set off in his sister's footsteps, wondering just what was so great about where she'd been.

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