Show me the way to the next whiskey bar
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Once Heath handed him another bottle of the liquid he quickly opened it and took a long drink, banging it loudly against the bar as it dropped from his mouth. Heath was wrong though. They did know. The whole pack knew. That's why he had always been told to keep away from the man. That he was dangerous. He was sick. Sick didn't even begin to describe what was wrong with that bastard. Hell, even that coyote had known what he had done. The only person to ever speak the truth to him. The whole truth. Haven didn't know whether to be thankful or not for that gift. He had always thought that knowing something was better than not, but now he wasn't so sure of that notion. Did the whole damn world know about Conri Church while his illegitimate children had been left in the dark?

"They do know. All of Crimson Dreams know. They told me that something was wrong with him but they never said what. I didn't even find out from them. I found out from some strange masked coyote here in the city." Another long draw of whiskey. "They never fuckin' told me." Had it been out of love? Or was it fear? Fear that if he knew he would turn into his father? Did they think that if he was ignorant to the man's crimes that he would somehow be spared to evil that ran through his veins. Haven didn't know. Maybe he never would.

"One eye?" he questioned. "Mine has one arm. Haven't seen anyone with only one eye though. Wish I knew where you could find him." At least the men that sired them wouldn't be hard to miss if they were spotted. Somehow it seemed they were very good at hiding though. Apparently Conri lived around the city somewhere, but where he couldn't say. There were so many places to look. Even if he did find him he wouldn't know what to do. There was more truth to Heath's words than he wanted to admit. "I might..." After all, the man only had one arm and Haven had two. That had to count for something, didn't it?

"It's all such bullshit. All of it."


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