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I shouldn't be doing this now but I cannot believe I made you wait 4 days D:[html]

The champagne-eyed boy grinned and shook his head, casually establishing that he did not mind at all and that apologies were by no means required for simple mistakes that were due to unco-ordinated limbs. He too was adjusting to longer limbs and a more refined feel, and it would probably be a while before he was used to that.

"Jesile Mogotsi," he replied with a smile, introducing himself gladly to the other boy. "And you?" he asked, genuinely curious. The fact that the other was a wolf hardly registered in his mind, and little did he know, others of Inferni would have had very different reactions to encountering a wolf. If he did know this, he would likely not have understood why and wondered about it more than anything. To Jesile, the other boy was hardly different from himself, apart from being a little larger than his smaller-framed, coyote self. He was simply happy to have the company in weather that seemed to disregard him as nothing but a speck of sand.

"So. Whad'dya wanna do?" Because he naturally assumed that if the wolf did not mind his company, and he did not mind the wolf's, they should surely do something to pass the time and invigorate themselves! Or, well, they could just walk, and talk. It made no difference to him.


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