just below the radar
She asked that one question that he would have rather she didn't. Instead of giving her a straight answer the male shook his head and frowned, his eyes glancing over to the young girl as he hesitated for a moment before stating. "I don't think you'd like to hear such things, a young lady like you don't need exposed to such disturbing stories." Sankor watched as the young lass returned to his side. He didn't say anything about how she'd scurried away and he probably wouldn't he didn't mind the switching of leads and the mismatched pace. The conversation was the key, not the motion that drove them along.

When the little girl worried and fretted away he just shook his head and hushed her silly nonsense. "My butterfly, if you were annoying me do you think I would stick around. Don't worry so much and it will seem easier to breath." She looked wound tighter than a clock and he didn't doubt that she probably felt thatway too. He brought his gaze down from the sky once more as the pretty little thing spoke of his company. He just smile slightly as he watched her hide away in her little shell again. "We must work on that my dear.." he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

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