it's like waiting for the ocean

schwarzWarily the pup followed behind Slayer, tail still drooping behind him. He didn’t want to stay here any longer. He wanted to go back to the church and find his sister; maybe lay in the sun all day and dry up so he could forget water ever existed. Except now that he thought about it, he was thirsty. The salty water that had filled his mouth without his permission moments before had left his tongue dry. That’s why his little tail perked up and began to wag, if only a little, when the older male called him over to the tide pool. Surely the man knew he was thirsty and was giving him somewhere to drink!

schwarzLeaning down to lap up the water, it took him a moment to realize that this tasted just the same as the water from the ocean. Making a face and spitting, Roulette sat at the edge of the tide pool, licking at his fur to try to get the taste from his mouth… except his fur was damp with the water from when he fell off the dock. Surely licking sand wouldn’t be much better. The pup was at a loss. Was all water going to taste like this from now on? Was he doomed to have this yucky taste in his mouth forever? A small whimper emitted from the back of his throat at the thought.

schwarzIf he wasn’t supposed to drink the water, he wasn’t sure what good the tide pool was to him. Surely the older male didn’t think he wanted to go in it. His experience moments before was enough to last Roulette a lifetime. Or so he thought. Being submerged in water was probably going to be put on his list of least favorite things to do. Looking into the water, he still saw the pup staring back at him, but the image was faded. He could see the plants and the bottom of the pool. He couldn’t see the bottom when leaning off the side of the dock. What did this mean?

schwarz “You tricked me!” He yelled in German at the image of himself in the water. He suddenly had realized the “other pup” he saw in the pool was the reason he had fallen into the ocean in the first place.

German English


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