The colour (and shape!) of magic
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Magic rock, healing powers, what the-? This child didn’t make much sense. And she talked a lot, too. So she had found a rock. Where was it? Honoré scanned the area for this magical pebble, but found nothing of the sort. Turning his attention back to the weird little girl, he gave her one of those skeptical looks. “What?” It was only then that he caught on. The egg in her mouth, that’s what she was talking about. While he understood how she could’ve mistaken that egg for a rock, the alabaster male had no idea where she’d gotten the idea that it could heal people.

Playing along and pretending to be “sick” just to see what she’d do with that egg was an intriguing idea. And he considered it for quite a few seconds. He imagined a few possible scenarios, but there were a couple he didn’t like. What if she tried healing him by throwing the egg at his head? That would hurt. Children were unpredictable and ignorant; he wasn’t going to risk it. Besides, he really didn’t want to be around when that thing hatched. Honoré had a reptile phobia. A baby snake would inevitably make him piss himself.

Since he’d nearly squashed her to death a few seconds earlier, the Québécois figured he’d do the pup a favor and tell her what her weird rock-thing really was. “No, té nounoune! Its an egg. E-G-G. Not a rock. Understand, yah?”


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