Walking with Strangers
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... eenban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
un po' di powerplay D:

A monotone answer, devoid of any interest. She rolled her shoulders complacently, deciding that the other woman wasn't concealing anything, but simply uninteresting. Well, might as well stick around, see what happens. A low hiss escaped at the word Dahlia. Oh, how her heart burned to think of them! "Wertlose Fleischbeutel. Ich hasse sie." Her eyes flashed dangerously, but she didn't move. Control the anger, let yourself shape it. "I did. And now I'm freed." Not by her choice. There was only one value that the woman valued, and that was loyalty. Not trust, nor truth, nor freedom, but loyalty. It was the only thing preventing anarchy, which seemed to gainsay her outlook. But to Sabeen, everything in her world made perfect sense.

"Walk." She commanded as she turned to stroll deeper into the forest's depths. Now was her turn to interrogate. "Tell me of yourself, Anu." She was feeling stronger, in control. Was this what Corvus felt? (The answer was no, for how could he feel anything, being devoid of everything?) She liked it, she liked having power, not letting fate dictate her paws and words. She had given herself over, but now she wanted to take it all back, and tonight would be her first step in doing so.


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