where do you go when you're blue?
Sabeen appreciates a fellow drug user. Cough.

She prowled the city, owning it as much during the early hours of the day as in night. It, in return, loved her and welcomed her into it's dirty gutters with open arms. The female had become something nocturnal, not having yet returned to her little home. Her veins were hot, she could feel each drop of blood passing through her body at warp speed. She was dressless today, having been reverting more back to her natural roots as of yet- she'd shot herself up before she'd even left, and the lingering effects of the high were enough, enough to satisfy for this brief moment in time.

The laugh was what caught her attention. She was used to souls migrating through Hailfax, but that laugh didn't sound like a normal expression of happiness. The experienced can always sense the amateur. Sabeen made her way towards the nightclub, breathing in the whispers of the cold, hard, metal buildings. Wheat eyes fell on her from a distance. A white form, skipping. Ah. A little bit closer, and she could begin to make sense of the picture, see the backpack and the expression of bliss on her face. Not heroin, she didn't think, but she couldn't be sure-- it's effects were different on everyone. She wished she had a little more, suddenly, being reminded of what the initial rush felt like.

'Enjoying the city's pleasures?' she remarked, her voice breathy as it got when she was high. Maybe she could convince the other to give her a little of what she had. Being close enough to make out details, the lady knew it wasn't heroin, from the residue of powder on her nose. Something else, then, cocaine, perhaps. Something she'd only touched a few times in her life. Maybe tonight she'd make it once more.

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