Home of the brash, outrageous and free

Yay. Big Grin

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News had a tendency to trickle down the grapevine, but Matrix still managed to miss the memo of the avalanche in Storm. The powdery snow that fluttered down from the heavens and danced in the occasional burst of wind, however, was smacking her in the face--and it was therefore harder to ignore. She put in a decent effort to anyway, and occasionally she would find success in being distracted by her own thoughts. The repairs on her greenhouse were completed, and one might wonder why she would choose the frightful weather over the cosy comfort of the heated structure, where already some of the seedlings she planted were beginning to poke above the soil in search of light.
Perhaps she was in search of something--or someone--but if this were the case, the efforts were all subconscious. Walking along in her half-shifted quadruped form, she suddenly became acutely aware of her environment. The snow which had faded into the back of her mind now catapulted itself to the forefront, agitating her because she could not see through it far enough into the distance. The scent of blood was what triggered these reactions, and she now raised her head and sniffed the air more carefully. After a short distance, she pinpointed the source. At first she nearly missed the tattooed stranger, for he seemed to blend in so well with the snowy scenery. From a distance she regarded him, intrigued as she began to notice the peculiar markings that adorned his body. Anybody that strange was worthy of her attention, she decided, although she kept her distance for the time to show that she was not after his kill.

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