The colour (and shape!) of magic

She practically beamed at the big girly like man, so proud she found someone to show her magic rock off to so soon after finding it. She looked down at the white and yellow thing and watched it wobble with more intensity than she had seen before. A fine thread of saliva still connected her and the egg, and she shook her head to tear it off, and felt the spit cling to her jaw. Oh, wasn’t Noir adorable. Her tail waved in triumph, and she unconsciously pushed her fluffy little chest forward, ready to receive the medal of honour straight away. She was not sure if she was receiving the response she had expected though. The man just stood there and replied with a what?. He had not understood what she had said. So silly of her, but she could explain again. ”Magic rock to heal sick.” the girl said while slightly furrowing her eyebrows. Her smile stayed though, but instead of taking up her whole face in a happy line, it had turned into a happy kitty face. She looked from the stranger to the rock, her gaze as innocent as it was blue, only with a touch of a warm golden that would slowly distinguish the blue and become her natural eye colour. Her siblings’ eyes had changed prematurely on all three of them, but Noir’s eyes did not hurry getting rid of the baby blue that all young puppies shared up to a certain age.

The man said something she could not understand, followed by things she did understand. Strange words, but they had sounded pretty. Though, what was an egg? It was clearly a living rock. The little girl was not sure if she understood what the weird man meant, and her kitty smile slowly faded away and was replaced by a slightly unhappy frown that screamed in confusion. ”No.” He clearly had to explain this to her, because she was at a loss. ”Girl man, what are egg? And what are E-G-G?” the child was still small and had troubles learning the content of the language. The word egg and the pronounced letters alone was not the same word in her head. She was only a child, and so far from a bright one. She heard a strange sound, low, but definitely there. She looked down between her front paws where the magic rock rested, and saw that there was a rip in it. She gasped, instantly flattening her light cream ears. Her eyes quickly found the male again. He seemed a bit annoyed, and his bad karma had killed the magic healing rock. If not killed, then damaged it a lot! She let a small, almost nonexistent whine escape out between her lips. Then her ears perked up and registered the low hissing noise that seemed to come from the magic rock. Noir was very confused.

The girl got up on her feet and felt her hackles slowly rise. This always happened when the puppy started to get stressed, which she usually did when confusion got a nice grip on her.


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