All these Buildings & Mountains...

i gotta be my own boss no matter what the cost

The smooth texture of it made her cock her head to the side in curiosity. The different tubes were set before her crossed legs, sitting neatly in the grass. There were just a few, the ones that reminded her of the colors she thought of most often. Yellow for the sun, who seemed to be her best friend of late, and maybe always. She placed it first, liking the bright hue so much that she had taken the best looking container of it. White for her mother Naniko, the pure snow of her coat. Blue for the eyes of her second mother, Anu. The hue was deep and heavy, just like the pools that she wore. The last was red, separated from the rest but her fingers lingered on it for a moment. Who red was to her? A heart was colored with such a saturated and pure hue, but it was still uncertain who fit such a role.

All the things had been stolen from some place in Halifax. The word was written everywhere, and she figured it was the most fitting thing to call the city. Still uncomfortable with being inside the cold concrete world, Mati had gathered the things that she thought she wanted and ran to a place of safety. The clearing was surrounded by a few tall aged trees, and reminded her more of home then of where all the articles had come from. She propped the canvas against the nearest tree, and settled to look at what she was sure where paints. The caps were sealed tightly, and her fingers too weak to open them. Trying again and again Mati resorted to placing the yellow paint tube to her mouth, attempting to pry the color from its tube with her teeth.


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