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He knew that he didn't have to be sorry, that it wasn't his fault, still he needed to say something. Or at least he felt he did. It would've been rude and insensitive to just not say anything. What else was there to say aside from sorry? "I know, but still, I am." Haven hadn't even thought that his uncle didn't want to hear about his affections. Though they weren't exactly going the best either. He had kissed Siobhan and she had run away. He worried that he had royally screwed everything up. "That's not exactly great now either. I uh...kissed her, and she ran away. Now I'm worried I ruined everything." The boy didn't share his family member's distaste for the clan. As of yet he had no reason to dislike them. It seemed a lot of people did though. He wondered what was so bad that he was not seeing.

As DaVinci burst out in laughter at Haven's reaction to the whiskey, he couldn't help but chuckle a little as well. Surely it was pretty funny to the veteran drinker. It would have been a good prank to pull, he thought. Tell someone it was just water and wait for their reaction when they realized it wasn't. Of course that hadn't been the case this time, but it might be a good one to pull on someone sometime. After his second drink of the liquid he smiled. "Yeah, I can already see that it does." There was a fuzziness settling in his head that was relaxing. It felt good, what this stuff was doing to him. DaVinci had been right. "That would be pretty great, wouldn't it?" Haven took another swig before handing the bottle back to his uncle. "I think we're gonna need more of that stuff," he said with a crooked grin.


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