The Road and the Damned
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This was a side to his sister he didn't often see, if at all. Even though he was in the dark it was fun though. He didn't mind being the butt of whatever joke she was playing. The confidence she was exuding right now was something he would love to see from her more often. She was perfect in his eyes, she wished that she could see more of that in herself. Bi-colored ears twitched as her teasing tone spoke again. Secret? Keep who a secret? What was she...

And then it hit him like a brick to the side of his head. His mouth clamped shut and his jade eyes grew wide. Haven could feel his cheeks begin to burn and knew they were turning an amazing shade of red beneath his fur. How did she know about Siobhan? How? The only one that knew was Anu and he couldn't imagine his mother telling Mati about it. Maybe he was wrong, but with the way she was acting he felt that she hadn't gotten the information from their mother. He couldn't even find the words to say anything. His brain was empty and his mouth wouldn't open. All he could do was stare at his sister, embarrassed.


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