The Road and the Damned
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I love this, hehe

If he had been capable of sweating, he no doubt would have been now. His sister's eyes were like x-ray glasses, stripping him naked, seeing his most secret places. The boy's heart pounded in his ears and his mind was flooded with questions. What did she think? Was she disappointed? Did she not approve? Was she upset with him? He didn't know if he could handle Mati not being happy about the idea. She was the sibling he was closest to. He had no idea what he would do if she didn't like Siobhan. His heart would be torn between the two girls.

But then as she spoke again Haven let out the breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. Thanks the gods. A somewhat weary and worried smiled formed his lips. He was still a little embarrassed but he did his best to get past that. He hoped if anyone would understand him it would be Mati. "Yeah? Ya think so?" He certainly did, but it made him happy that his sister thought so as well. Though now all new questions came to mind. The last time he had seen the white coyote things hadn't ended on such a high note. Ever since he had been worried that she wouldn't want to see him anymore. "She...she asked about me? How, uh, how did she seem?"


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