you might wanna sing
I know now that I'm forever dirt

Some wolves contented themselves with wandering vaguely around the very outskirts of their packlands, guarding it from intrusion. They were to be admired, yes - they protected lands, and greeted the friendly visitor. The sentries. He, however, was not a sentry, and he never planned on being one. He would, on occasion, travel the borders for various reasons - boredom, the suspicion of a trespasser - but he would likely never make it a habit. For some reason, he knew that he would not care that much; whether he just understood how he would be once aged, or he already was beginning to have an air of indifference about him, he was unsure. Whatever the case, the male had not strayed to the borders, but merely away from the heart of Jaded Shadows, if only barely. There would be nothing to worry about, there; of course no one would dare to enter the territory so extremely without permission.

It would have seemed, however, as an unfamiliar scent reached his nostrils, that he underestimated the stupidity of some creatures. With a grunt, he sought out the beast with the peculiar scent.

As the young brute aged, he became more indifferent, and yet, at the same time, protective. This defence was not for his pack, though - if they could not protect themselves, then they were worthless - but for his family, and something that he was unsure of, then. He felt the impulsive need to send away those that did not belong, for, had they gone unnoticed, they were a threat. Such an impulse was he feeling then, as he stalked towards the one that did not belong. Perhaps he was unknowingly becoming territorial.

What do you want? he barked out, violet eyes narrowing, showing his mistrust.


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