In the Heart of Darkness

For the first time in a mêlée, there was silence. From this seemingly insignificant characteristic, Haku knew what he was facing. The other man was a well bred killing machine. There were no aspects of show off, only determined moves that were necessary to keep their health bars high. Too often had the Dahlian Lilium encountered squires on the field, but the earlier lack of skilled knights did not make him incapable of recognising one. The cocoa male could feel the cuts, but the pain was far from fully registered. He was well aware of every inch of his body, but pain was showed aside for now, only serving as nutrition for the soundless rage that bubbled inside his chest. There, the rumbling from the man pierced the air softly like a gentle whisper. The sound caused the Lilium to increase the pressure of the black talons that brushed through the other man’s fur, leaving red stripes that were hidden by the thick, black pelt.

The sudden move of the other was expected, and as was the attempt to interrupt Haku’s balance. His mind constantly calculated different moves and counter moves for them both, but his decreasing grip on the man’s side allowed the other man to succeed, and Haku took a stumbling step before his front leg found the soft ground and controlled his weight. It was already too late for amends to regain that microscopic moment of failure, and so he allowed his body to fall further while twisting his body. While doing so, his neck and throat leapt out of reach of the black man’s jaws yet again, and a set of pink jaws opened to either parry or catch the other man’s fangs or flesh if he dived too quickly after him.

Haku’s hind legs pushed against the ground before entering the air, withdrawing to the body only to flash out again in a dangerous kick as the man spent a moment in the air before his back hit the ground. This was in no way a defeat. He flexed his claws, anticipating the black and white man to lunge at him a third time.


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