Trouble is all around
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I don't care dear. You know I'm not one to get over touchie about small pp like that. You can either post or Requiem can. words 314

She screamed, not out of pain that had not hit her yet, but the shock of the nip upon her back. The child wasn’t able to move far but she was able to see a paw, she wasn’t going to lie down and take this Shadow Monster attacking her. She swung her neck around as she tried to squirm and flop her way out of this monster mouth. She didn’t want to call for any of her littler mates because this Shadow Monster might be able to call its brothers and sisters and have them attack them. She was in deep trouble. She saw the leg as she snarled and without any other word or sound she locked her teeth and jaw onto his leg. She swatted at the leg, as she pushed to get her-self free. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen, nor how she was going to get her-self out of this mess. All she knew was that the silver shiny wolf had pack members that where quicker and faster than they were. She narrowed her eye down onto the attacking wolf’s leg as she pushed her teeth and jaw to lock into him, made if she was lucky this Shadow Monster would let her go and run away. She was going to be big and mean. Though right now it was rawr rawr rawr Shadow Monsters win, and that wasn’t odds that she was willing to take, she had to win she had to show that she was big and mean and he was just a member that belonged in the Shadows, and she didn’t want any of the adults from the pack to help her. She didn’t want them thinking that she was a child that needed help, she was going to grow up and go find her mother, and no adults where going to come with her.

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