nobody tells you where to go

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!! sorry didn't know.

Let me show you the wonders of life

The males words were nasty and made her gaze drop. Why was he always such a bastard to her! She hadn't done anything to him! If he didn't like french she'd give him english. "You first Jefferson." She said lightly, his words had hurt her. She had just come to meet a women at the border and got nothing but nasty comments. Sometimes she really hated this pack. Not even looking at the women as she moved past the male who would most likely make sure she regreted that last remark. Whatever.

The small french women moved from them. It would make her day if he would get that pole out of his ass. Grumbling she felt embarrassed and useless. This would teach her to greet people at the border again. Sitting down at a tree a long way from where they were out of sight out of mind. Drawing her knees up to her chest the young girl couldn't help but think that Jefferson made the back stabbing dumb ass Lysander look like a saint.


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