Alone amidst the waves
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For the first time in what seemed like a lifetime the youthful hybrid had left the dank and dreary bar he had taken up residence in. He had no idea what had made him abandon his self imposed exile for the time being, but he couldn't deny how good the sun felt on him. It did sting his eyes though. Going so long without the full light of the sun had made him unaccustomed to its strength and he squinted as he walked. While he had left the bar, he had taken a bottle with him. The rum was held loosely between his fingers as he walked through the sand and stones of the Shattered Coast, every now and then bringing the dark liquid to his lips. Haven couldn't stand be sober. It was even worse than his miserable drunken state.

He couldn't believe he was actually walking in the direction of his home. His real home. The boy knew he would stop and turn back before he got too close to be spotted, but it still made his stomach twist into knots. The last thing he wanted was to be spotted by one of his friends or family. Drunkenly he stumbled and almost fell flat on his face in the sand. But then something hit his bi-colored ears. A voice. A panicked voice. Almost instantly he found his footing and took off in the direction of the scared woman. He may have been a sorry excuse for his former self, but even now he couldn't let a girl who sounded so distressed stay on her own.

Soon the drowned figure came into his hazy eyesight and he called out. "Hey! Hey I'm coming!" Even from where he was he could see she was injured. Rushing up he knelt in the sand beside her curled up form. Haven set his bottle in the sand off to the side. "What happened? Are you okay?" That was a stupid question, but it was the best his alcohol riddled brain could do at the moment. Hesitantly he rested a hand lightly on her shoulder.


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