Home of the brash, outrageous and free
OOC — agreed. <3

IC —
Tamerlane shifted his foot upon the dashboard of the open, broken car, and dust and snow crumbled from the rust that had built up there over decades. He ran his wrist briefly over his chin to pick up remnants of the rabbit's blood, and then took another bite, his teeth a careful guillotine as the creature's arm was sliced gently from its joint.

Looking up casually, he noticed a supple, feminine form that seemed expertly cautious nearby. Tamerlane ignored her not as any form of arrogant indifference, but to show that he did not feel threatened by her — and in turn, he was not a threat to her either. This was generally characteristic of the Luperci, and it was generally taken by others as one of two things; a request that they continue on their way, or subtle permission to approached as they wished. Either way was fine with Tamerlane.

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