to the sea, the sea of love

WC: 300+

The corner was a comforting place in this situation. Looking around the room it was obvious that the wall would be a friend for many of the wolves until the birth was over. Watching the process almost made him want to run away, the yelling the encouraging the yelling back the pain to his loved ones. Naniko standing and trying to encourage Savina along and Kansas beside his mate looking quite useless and hopeless. For a second he wondered if this was the situation that Garnet and himself could have had. If perhaps for just a moment it could have been him standing there with his mate ready to start their new lives off as parents.

His attention perked once more as the others started to comment on the pups. Taking a few steps forward he stood the the left of Kansas and patted him on the back. Their last meeting had been unfair to the guy. At that moment Jazper had been so wrapped up in his own pain and confusion that he had said things he would never say in any other situation. Flashing the new father a simple 'sorry' smile and whisper, “You'll make a fine father.” The picture of the pack surrounding the pups was perfect as Naniko's cheerful howl perked his ears forward in anticipation of his own. Removing his large hand form the white males shoulder he smiling at the black alpha knowingly before raising his own muzzle to join in the song. His sweet tenor tones filled the room adding texture and depth to the already growing howl. Maybe he could make it up to Kansas by being a better protector for the newborns. His pride swelled in his chest as he thought about the job ahead. He knew one thing for sure: these pups were going to be loved.


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