goodbye yellow brick road - p
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Rays of sunlight dappled the porch of Haven Manor and hit the dark form of the Lt. General. Emerald orbs were closed in sleep. She had gone outside just to catch some fresh air, but had ended up drifting off to sleep. The children were doing less sleeping and more playing which was leaving the mother tired. A cool spring breeze rustled her fur and tickled her nose. This was her season, it always had been. Even more so now that she had a harsh winter to judge it against. Everything was springing back to life and she and Kansas had brought some of that new life into the world.

The wolfess yawned wide as she stretched out her front legs. Her eyes blinked, readjusting to the light. The grasses swayed peacefully in the wind and a smile came to her lips. What a wonder place the gods had seen fit to bring her to. For once in her life she felt like she truly belonged. That and she had everything she had ever hoped and dreamed for. She had her brother and sister, a man who loved her, and now pups of her own. Her own flesh and blood. She couldn't wait until they were old enough that she could take them outside and show them the beauty of their home.

Speaking of the babes, she needed to return to them. She hadn't intended to be gone for as long as she had. But before she could head back inside the mansion the wind brought a familiar scent to her nose. Her heart jumped as she realized that Geneva was close by. While her friend had thankfully been at the birth, she hadn't stuck around very long. Her head rolled back and a howl rang from her throat to call the woman to her. Smiling she headed back inside to her den.


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