Innocence left behind

Protect her, yes, but he was extremely unsatisfied with how she had chosen to deal with this. He had not been a great father; he had never loved the little child. Yet, the way Deuce had treated this situation had made fury rise within his bones, and it would not be soothed just because of mere explanations. They would go in one ear and out the other. He pressed his jaws together, determined not to flash a set of fangs at her and fail his rank. Her words about Coli caused his ears to fold back, a clear sign that he did not agree. However, this was all good for one thing. He had played his previous cards well, and so a drop of satisfaction reached the upset sea of failure. Good. He would not let the white woman’s words pass without a reply though. She was the one closest to the brown female, it seemed. He wanted to talk about this.

”Yes, she has every right to feel hurt over what I did, but one year has come and gone and she will have to start living and try to let go of the past, especially if she wants to live in Dahlia where I act as the second in command.” His eyes stayed on her, although her gaze had let go of him already. ”She does not need anyone to fight for her. She is a member of Dahlia, and I would never touch her, never!” He spat the last words out, determined to let her know that her daughter was not in danger here, although everyone seemed to think so. ”I once said I’m a monster, Deuce, and you told me I was not. Has your opinion changed? Am I the father of your daugher, or am I still that cold hearted rapist that ruined his own daughter?” His guess was yes.


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