In the Heart of Darkness

Things happened fast, as they should, but disappointment came as he hit the ground, and the other man was not over him. Pain circled his foot, and there was a streak of blood, but there was something wrong. He could not feel it. The more sane part of the Lilium knew what it meant, and in many situations this would have been an advantage, but he was unsure if he would like to merge together with the darkness and find himself committing a mistake in the future. Haku was not well. In the beginning, the thing had only been a whisper. It had seduced him, but as time had passed he had finally understood that the black tumor embracing his heart was something else, and not a friend. The days in Dahlia after the Dahlian war had been peaceful. He had believed this was a good sign that the evil spirits were in check, but he was slowly starting to wonder if this was an illusion created by the invisible monster to help him relax. He knew it was growing, and he was slowly losing a battle he was not even fully aware of.

The slightly misunderstood words that had passed between the two Dahlian sub-leaders sprung to his mind, and he felt the world darken. Blue eyes turned to take in the mocking laugh and smile of the psychopath in front of him. He had postponed the battle for a few seconds to mock him. It was a shame. Although the battle had been far from lost by Haku crashing to the ground, a part of him silently wished for a release, a way out from all of this. The silent voice that suggested that way out was low and almost nonexistent, and caused the beast to wonder if it had ever been there at all. The chocolate demon stared at the other, and recognized a being born from Darkness all too well. Haku was not born out of hellfire, but a part of him was. It was the part that was slowly taking over, though had yet to fully manifest. It took its time, because it knew that sooner or later, the body would possess one being alone, and that would be the demon.

The blue eyed man lifted his head and slowly rested on supporting front limbs. His gaze was set on the invisible eyes in the darkness. ”Willingly?” A cruel grin appeared in the demon’s face, although he was almost certain that the other was not intent on playing along. Cwmfen had talked to Haku about her father, and it was only a matter of time before she would be aware of his presence. The brown man felt strangely, yet soothingly empty. Just how he preferred it. ”How will you make her come to you?" The rage had been an illusion, the key to let the darkest part of him mingle with the rest, and he felt no desire to slice up such a pristine being as the one standing in front of him. There was also something else in the beast’s mind. Cwmfen created a perfect balance in the leadership, and though Haku had welcomed her to the trio, a part of him was far from satisfied. It risked a hidden agenda that was destined to be carried out.

This man was after the marked Adonis. The demon waited, if not for a dark voice then for blood to cover the ground and shatter a life.


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