Alone amidst the waves

Sighing as she listened to the girl she walked towards the female and kneeled down beside her without saying much. She really didn't feel like saying much. What could she do? Getting mad at the blind she wolf was just stupid, so she would hold her anger in for another poor soul. Setting the basket down the young fool was lucky that she had some Beech on her. Svara pulled the leaves and bark out of the basket, identifying them by smell. She didn't speak to the girl as she found a large shell not from from her leg and a rock.

Grinding the plant into the shell she listened to them talk while she did the process. The girl would have the added bonus of smelling very good for as long as the salve was put on her body. Wipping the sand from the girls coat and out of her small wounds. Even the simplest wound could turn into an infection, that was what most people didn't get. She listened to the story of ship wreck and being lost. Svara was more interested in listening then actually talking. Once the leaves had been ground she looked to the male closest to her. "Don't be useless come here and tell me where her wounds are, they are to small for me to see." Svara's words were harsh and commanding, wanting the drunk to get his ass over here and be useful.


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