keep it inside, it all goes, all goes by
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Amata continued to slobber all over Gotham's ear, but Savina noticed a little glint in her boy's eye. As quick as a puppy his size could move her slipped out from underneath his sister and rolled himself on top of her, stubby tail wagging. He gave a triumphant little bark while Amata growled under his paws. The mother couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her babies' antics. They were always so entertaining and she loved watching them play. While she didn't want time to fly by too quickly, she couldn't wait until they were big enough that she could play with them. Take them outside and play a nice game of hide-n-seek like she had with Apollo and Sirius all those moons ago.

Soon a call rang through the air. It wasn't one of her packmates, but she easily recognized the voice as the tan colored Koios girl. Her smile grew as she called out for her friend to enter the lands and to come find her inside the mansion. The sable fey was excited that Alexey had come to visit. The last time she had seen her it had not been the best of times. She hoped that things were going better. The Lt. General also made a note to ask how the search for Dhalia's puppies were going. She hoped that they had found the two boys.

As their mother had howled, the three children had waddled back over to her. She gave each one a lick on the top of their heads. "We're going to have a visitor my loves!" Each one of their eyes lit up and their tails thumped against the wooden floor. Soon Savina heard the foot steps and her own tail joined her children's in wagging. Not only did Alexey's head poke through the door, but for a second so did a little face. Jeweled orbs glittered at the sight of another pup. "Alexey! Please come in!" Amata, Cambria, and Gotham turned to look at their guests.


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