goodbye yellow brick road - p

The grayscale female felt instantly at ease as Savina's comforting words and tone enveloped her, beckoning her forward. She moved gingerly, mindful of little bodies underfoot. The small-boned woman crept into the room with grateful reverence, still taken aback by the wonder of it all. Had it all really happened? It almost felt like a dream had come true. It was hard to believe. A miracle had come, had changed their lives indefinitely and forever, even though it seemed that this kind of miracle could happen at any time, to anyone. She still felt as though prayers had been answered, even her own prayers.

Geneva beamed down at the two small pups that inched closer to her. "How are you? It is very nice to see you again." It still amazed her that the pups, though still small, had grown already. She remembered the small, wriggling bodies from the date of their birth and tried to make a connection. But these were definitely Savina and Kansas' children. She could see bits of them, hints around the eyes or smiles of each of the pups, that pointed to their parentage.

She bent down carefully and nosed at both pup's affectionately, brushing her muzzle against their velvety ears. Her nose was basically non-functional, but this close to them, she could almost catch their sweet scent. Smiling, she withdrew and sat down, curling her tail around her. She no longer felt as though she was intruding, set at ease by her friend's easy grace and the presence of the children.


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