The Night Grows Quiet

She had smiled at him. Smiled. How could he make anyone smile? He didn't even know if his lips knew how to form one. They had once, when he was a carefree babe. Before everything had changed. Onus didn't understand why she cared about him. Nobody had ever cared about him. His mother may have acted like it for a while, but even she hadn't been able to keep it up. The man that had saved him might have cared. He still couldn't believe she had actually pulled him from death's doorstep to bring him to help. He had seen in then as he saw it now. It wasn't fake. He didn't know what to think or how to act in response to such kindness.

Perhaps it was profound. It had made him who he was today. Yet it all could have ended so differently. That stranger could have just as easily not happened upon the scene or simply not cared. Then all he would have been was a murdered pup. No one to take notice. No one to care. The world would have gone on without him. He liked to think that he had lived so he could fulfill this purpose. The man found it hard to find that much meaning in the events of the world though. Her words of her father surprised him. "More we have in common." Though it was far from a good thing. "My mother tried to kill me when I was just a child. Would have if a stranger hadn't come by and ran her off." The fact that she had gone through something similar made it easier for him to share.

Yet again the fact that Cwmfen actually gave a shit about him shone through. Perhaps he had been right. Perhaps she was some sort of angel. If he didn't know better, he would have thought he felt his stone heart cracking. "I know." It was not her fault. The two men meeting was inevitable. If it hadn't happened now it would have later. "It couldn't be stopped. I cannot walk away from something like him." The next time he wouldn't either. Next time he knew it would end it death. Whether it was his or Corvus' only time would tell.

It may have been rude to ask, but he couldn't keep the question to himself any longer. "Why did you save me?"


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