Walking with Strangers

It all sounded horrid. As much as Anu felt a uneasy feeling when standing with the woman, she could not help but find honesty in her words. The circumstances that surrounded each of the things she spoke of were unknown to the thin female, but how could she judge someone that she didn’t know? How could she even think there might be something she was hiding? Anu let her shock so on her face once again, though there was concern lining her features.

They took your home? The answer was obvious, though Anu needed to speak it aloud to take the massive truth into her head. A pack would do such a thing? Members, family turning against each other and letting rapist live among their children, and then shunning the innocent only to set fire to their tail and watch them run. It was disgraceful. And now what you are left to live alone? Anu looked to the face of the wolfess, not knowing what lay twisted in her mind.

Anu looked away, searching for answers to the questions that riddled her mind. What kind of place was this Dahlia de Mai, and who led it? She couldn’t help but feel her own opinion of the place grow cold and sour. Still, she didn’t know everything, couldn’t trust every word Sadeen spoke. I can’t imagine why they would do such a thing. she spoke idely, wondering aloud.


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