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It wasn't often that Jasper would approach a stranger, or even stick around for very long after being approached by one. Even less plausible, the fact that he had taken something offered to him. This was different though, in a way. She had been kind to him thus far, she didn't mock him or question his demeanor. It also might have been, perhaps, the fact that she was also foreign to the lands. He hadn't been born here or grown up here, but he had lived in the place for so long that it should have had a normal feeling for him. Still though, Jasper felt lost and confused in this place, often like he never really belonged at all. His father belonged had belonged here, Jasper had only been extra baggage along the way.

When she spoke Jasper smiled faintly, knowing somewhere in the back of his mind that fishing had never really been about skill, but rather about luck. Something that his father had likely taught him somewhere along the way. It was as he was stepping forward again, moving to the side of the woman to sit himself next to her on the dock, that the revelation hit him. Ahren had taught him many things, it was only after the man's death that they all seemed to flood back to his mind. Ahren had been the father that Jasper had wanted so badly since the moment he had realized that Jasper had been following him. It took his father's death to make the young man understand it all.

Pondering it quietly, Jasper finally dropped himself to sit next to her, giving a nod of his head. "I hope so." Of course, she probably didn't know what Laurent meant to him, not many aside from his father and select few had known, but even the thought of him returning meant the world to the sandy furred male. "He went away a long time ago when I was really sick, to try and find something to make me better." Luckily for Jasper, Corona and Rachias had been able to nurse the sick back to health, only he had to wake to find that his lover had gone.

"I'm Jasper. Jasper de le Poer." He answered finally, nodding his head again. The young man finally reached for the pole that had been offered to him, swinging his legs from the edge of the dock as he took it in hand and swung it quickly out to the water. "I hope the fish aren't very big, I'm not very strong." And he even laughed a bit as he told her so.


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