oh, for love we become larger than lifesize

Yay! Oh, Amata's the name of a character in Fallout, my favorite XBOX 360 game! *dork*

Kansas had underestimated how thrilling it would be to watch his children grow. Already they were moving around on unsteady paws, their little bodies plump and clumsy. It seemed like they'd just been born, three helpless bundles he and Savina had needed to pick up themselves in order to move. The fact that the puppies be able to run around and play soon scared him a little.

The pale Sadira dropped the rabbit he'd caught for Savina on the porch and shifted quickly, picking it up again and opening the front door. He almost ran to their makeshift den, excited as always to see his little family again, but he entered the room slowly. "Ciao a tutti." he said softly, falling back onto the blankets near Savina and placing the limp rabbit beside her. He kissed her cheek, then gently lifted Cambria into his lap while watching his other boy and girl play nearby. Amata had a look of shame on her face. Kansas glanced at his mate and grinned. "Is someone in trouble?" he asked.


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