With a little help from my *friends*

i gotta be my own boss no matter what the cost

The large young girl lay stretch against the hard wood surface that made her room’s flooring. The massive windows of the sunroom let in as much light as the sun could give, warming her dark brown fur and gleaming into her slightly closed eyes. Content in the position Mati began to feel a demanding guilty feeling, knowing that she was being too lazy for her own good. She had huddled herself in her room for hours upon end, working with the paints that she had found in the city, plastering them into the old canvases and mixing so may different colors she couldn’t even put names to.

When the call came to her ears her eyes opened with a snap, and her head turned to the door. She knew the voice, and understood the meaning of the howl. Getting to her paws the round wolfess trotted eagerly through the manor and out the front door. Greeted with the sight of the male her violet eyes looked to each of them, a small shy smile gracing her lips. Understanding why they were all gathering her excitement grew. She hadn’t been out for a pack hunt in some time, attempting only small prey alone. Her tail waved behind her, showing her eagerness to join them and provide for the new members of the pack.

Finally Mati gathered the courage to speak in front of all the boys, Hey. Her voice was soft as her eyes settled on the male she didn’t know. Having just arrived as Orion introduced himself to Jazper the violet gazed reached his as she introduced herself to the new member. I’m Mati. A warm smile graced her lips, and she looked backed to the rest of the group, wondering where they would go, and what they would hunt.


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