The Night Grows Quiet
Wow, she nailed Onus right on the head. And you said it more eloquently than I ever could <3

It had been a survival technique. After his mother had attacked him the boy had shut down. Whether it had been purposeful or something had simply broken inside him was hard to say. Especially at such a young age. The man who had saved him had been nice. He had tended to his wounds and helped the child grow back to health. But Onus had never let him get close. But the man had never really tried either. Perhaps he understood what had happened to the small boy. That he had retreated so far into himself that no one would ever reach him. If he didn't let anyone in, no one could hurt him like that again. No one could hold him back. No one could stop him. It was why he was so good at doing what he did. When emotions were out of the picture and he had no ties to anyone, he could do whatever was necessary. The scum of the underworld had never faced anything like him before.

The thought that he was unable to display emotion was right as well though. As much as the man tried not to think about it and deny it, it was true. It was one of the reasons he avoided people in general. They were all emotional creatures and it was something he could not understand. Something he could not participate in. That why he was almost afraid around Cwmfen. She made him feel. He didn't know what word to put to those feelings, but it was something. More than he had felt ever since the attack. It scared him. Yet still he trusted her. Usually he might have wanted to run away. Now he couldn't though. He had to face this.

Then the question came. Somehow he knew it would. Telling her the answer scared him as well. There was only one other creature he had seen with his eyes, and that was the monster who had created her. Who hunted her. Onus didn't know if that would change how she saw him. Still, if she was going to find out, he wanted it to come from him. Not from that bastard who shared a pack with her. "Because of my eyes." As soon as those words had left his lips his good hand went to undo the tie to his eye wrap. Lids closed over those dark pools as his fingers took the cloth away. Then they opened. He looked at her unfiltered for the first time and wondered if she would hate and fear him too.

Her response to his question was logical he supposed. While she might not follow the same purpose he did, she at least understood what he did was for the benefit of the world. She did not want to see justice lose her servant. A satisfactory answer. So why did he feel so hollow because of it? Then she added something and his gaze shot to her's. She didn't want to lose me? Something stirred in his dead heart at that. Before he hadn't been sure, but he was now. He felt as if he should respond somehow, though not with words. His hand for a moment seemed to reach for her, but it stopped. He was lost as to what to do and this showed in those obsidian eyes.


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