Kaleidoscope eyes


i gotta be my own boss no matter what the cost

It was like she was getting taller every day. Not that she noticed much, just finding it convenient that she could reach the tall shelves of her new room, or odd that she just about hit her head on things that she used to be able to walk beneath with ease. Her round earthen hued shoulders only shrugged at the notion, she was getting bigger and she wanted to ignore it. Being large was an advantage, but for some reason she wanted to slight and small like her sister. She wanted the delicate features of Savina, a thin waist or even just a lean frame. Instead she bore large round muscles that she felt were unattractive.

The young woman found herself outside, distracting herself from the worries of her developing body with the paint and easel that she had found. Having run out of canvases Mati had turned to painting the easel itself, setting it in the soft grass and adorning it with a color that mimicked the blades of new born grass. She grazed her brush long the wooden frame one last time before calling it finished. Taking a step back the female eyed it for imperfections, then turned to leave it so the paint could dry.

Her view settled on the porch, noticing that she was no longer alone in the front yard. She smiled, finding that her mother was the one to exit that from door. Her tail waved behind her, and with brush and paint rag in hand she moved forward to greet her. She saw the book in her hands, growing curious.
Hey momma. The girl addressed her warmly. It had been some time since she found herself alone with her birth mother, and was eager to absorb some of the attention Naniko was whiling to give.


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