The Night Grows Quiet
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Those white orbs peered gently into those black pools. It was almost strange now to look upon the face unmasked, and for a moment the woman simply traced his features in his mind. Those eyes seemed so full of things—or perhaps those faint traces of emotion meant more to her. She saw his uncertainty, saw her own mirrored within him. But...she was not sure what that uncertainty meant; the black warrior wondered now if he was uncertain about her, if her imperfections would render her inadequate. And yet this male was not so shallow, admitting that no one was perfect. And the warrior herself was eased, the tension falling from her body. Her fingers slid deeper into his grasp as she clasped his hand almost reassuringly—but who was she reassuring? Perhaps both of the creatures required the reinforcement. Perhaps both creatures required one another as they entered that unfamiliar field.

As she lingered there, her mind tried to decipher the feelings that were running through her. She felt that sudden need to be near him, to know him more deeply and intimately than she had known anyone before. But this need was different; she felt that it was not just driven by that carnal desire that often proceeded a battle or that was simply driven by her curiosity. No, this was not the same; it was something else. But this was something that she had never felt before. It had begun as something light, like the breeze of a raven’s wing. But now she felt it more keenly as if that raven had landed on her heart, wrapping it with the warmth of its tenebrous wings. As a wolf, the black fae was drawn to physical superiority within a male, and while this male was more than capable of such physical feats, her attraction to him transcended the physical and entered the realm of the psychological. In this realm, she tread cautiously for she had often allowed the physical to rule her martial life.

The uncertainty of his gaze was mirrored in his words. The warrior smiled, a soft gesture. She wasn’t sure how to express this either, but where words failed for her, action would take over. Silently, she pulled herself upon the bed so that only her upper torso leaned upon him. Releasing her grip upon his grasp, her hands slid up to his face as she brought her maw to his. For a moment, she lingered there above them, her white gaze searching him. She wondered if he would stop her. But before she could hesitate any longer, she took the first step and kissed him. It was a slow kiss, almost tentative as she brought her lips to his. She could not help but let her gaze linger upon those eyes that moved like the night sky. And as she allowed that kiss grow more intimate, more passionate, those lunar orbs hid behind her lids, her fingers linger upon the fur of his cheek and neck, feeling his pulse beneath them.


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