The Night Grows Quiet

Onus could feel her uncertainty too, which somehow made his own more bearable. He was a confident man, always sure of himself. But that was in his mission and in battles. This was so much different. This field he was wholly unskilled and unprepared in. Knowing that he was not the only one stumbling through this encounter was a comfort. Her hand slipped more completely into his own and a sort of warm feeling settled into his chest. He increased the pressure of his grasp as well. What was this that he felt? He cared for her, that much he knew. He wanted to protect her from that beast of a father. There was more than that though. It was the "more" that was eluding him.

He had never succumb to physical urges, partially because he had never felt them before. He stopped and punished those that tried to take them from other's, but he had never experience that need. Even if he had, he knew he never would have sought out to satisfy it. It would have only been a distraction from his mission. That and it would have been letting someone close. Perhaps not emotionally, but even physically he liked to keep a distance. The vigilante doubtlessly had many enemies. Without knowing someone well he could not trust them near him, and he never trusted anyone.

Until now. Until her. Yet even now he didn't feel any sort of "need" for her body. He had just shared more with her about him and his past than he had shared with any other. That closeness that had been denied to him, both by himself and others, was suddenly staring him right in the face. He couldn't bring himself to push it away, not now when it was making him feel such good things, no matter how those things scared him. Cwmfen didn't speak in response to his muddled words, but she moved. He felt her torso on his and her face hovered so close to his as she looked into his eyes. Her hands were so light, like wings on his face. The man didn't know what she had in mind, but he soon found out.

His eyes grew wide as she pressed her lips to his in a kiss. Shock ran through him, but he didn't pull away nor did he push her away. It was soft at first, as they continued to stare into one another's eyes, but then her's closed and he felt something more behind her actions. Onus had no idea what to do, but he did kiss her back, at least as best he could. Soon his own dark orbs closed and his hand unsurely placed itself on her arm near her shoulder. He had never imagined that he would experience this. His logical side was unsure if this was a good idea, but somehow it was becoming muffled and he was less inclined to listen.


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