The Night Grows Quiet
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That single movement had caught him off guard—she saw the surprise in his eyes. Her own gaze had smiled gently at him, but she did not know whether he would accept that gesture. Or perhaps he did not know how, so unfamiliar as he was with this arena of life. But as she closed her eyes, he did respond. He kissed her back, a simple kiss, a crude kiss. But the woman did not judge, requiring nothing elaborate. And the emotions excited within her as he did kiss her in return created a slow symphony in her mind. At first there had been nothing but the quiet darkness of the night. But as she held that kiss, drawing it out, so too did the melody and the colours of those tones paint themselves upon her soul. It was breathtaking. It was something that no other had invoked within her. And she held onto that kiss for a great measure of time, though time held no factor within her any longer. And as he brought his hand to touch her, her cool skin did not recoil, drawing in the warmth that touch provided. And she held that kiss...until finally she pulled away gently, her breath intermingling with his.

Those white orbs remained hidden in the dark as she was still, her maw slightly lifted as she savored the last chords that fell silent within her. Her hands fell from his face as those lunar eyes grew full, falling to his chest. The black warrior was careful to avoid agitating the wound at the base of his neck. But as she moved she lost sight of that heart beat for a moment until she finally came to rest one hand above the source. Listening to it through that touch, she felt it course through her own body, the pulse becoming one with her own. The woad marked fae lifted her gaze to the male’s eyes, a warm smile gracing her bound maw. And she thought then that she understood what it was that she felt. Love. But what she felt almost frightened her, made her unsure. And she was afraid that he may not accept her.

She could have continued, but she did not want to provoke this male. The woman understood his need to create that distance, and she did not want to ruin what was between them by throwing herself at him. And somehow, she felt that he would not, could not, receive her body. Silently, without explaining herself, the raven woman lowered herself to the bed, retiring at his side. A single hand lingered upon his chest, feeling the regulated rhythm of his heart. Perhaps he would allow her to remain with him for the night before she would have to return to Dahlia. Perhaps, if not tonight then another, he could accept her, could learn to walk in this arena with her. She didn’t want this night to end, but it was not for the Dahlian Warrior to decide. The black tipped tail flickered at her thigh, wrapping about it to hold in the warmth that the night sought to take.


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