The Night Grows Quiet

It was her that amazed him. Her and what she could do to him. Onus had never met anyone like Cwmfen nic Graine. Their relationship had started as a respectful one between two warriors and now it had grown into something so much more. For a man who had never felt such things for anyone, he had been consumed by his feelings for the woad woman unbelievably fast. Perhaps it was just part of that power that she held over him. She understood him so easily, it almost seemed effortless on her part. For someone who was constantly misunderstood that did a great deal. She had awakened his stone heart, at least when it came to her, and that was a magic about her that he would never fully understand. The man felt somewhat guilty, for he could not give himself wholly. He would always be devoted to his mission for justice, but if she could accept that, he would give her what was left. It would be up to her though. He could not ask her to make such a sacrifice.

Laying there beside her, Onus felt more calm than perhaps he ever had. He was constantly vigilant, but the combination of his weakened state and what the two were sharing had even subdued that. Once he was healed he would make sure to fulfill his promise to her. He would do his best to hunt down Corvus before the man could lay a hand on her. Thankfully his feelings for the dark lady went hand in hand with his pursuit of stomping out evil. Silently he wondered if he would ever be forced to choose between the two. He sincerely hoped he would never have to make such a decision and tried to push that concern from his mind. As she gripped his shoulder he whispered to her. "I'm not going anywhere."

Inky eyes looked down into her two perfect pearls. While he knew that she would need to return to her packland he couldn't help but wish that she wouldn't. He didn't like the thought of her around that brown brute. The man said nothing of those thoughts though. He was not the preaching type and she was skilled and intelligent enough to protect herself. "Of course," was all he said. Softly he nodded his head against her fur. "I will. Thanks to you and that man." Pride did not keep him from paying his respects where they were due. Especially to her.


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