goodbye yellow brick road - p
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Time indeed had flown by. Even though Savina spent the majority of every day with the pups, even she was amazed at how quickly they were growing and maturing. For Geneva it must be even more of a shock. To have them go from tiny squirming masses to now little bodies learning to walk and talk. Amata was already wondering when she could go outside of the room. While she was excited for them to be able to explore more and more of their home, that was when she would be becoming the worrying mother she had no doubt. While they were safe inside the security of the den room always under a watchful eye she had little cause for concern. That would quickly change once they really had their legs under them.

"Ooooos! I's seees." Or at least Amata thought she did. It was weird to think that someone knew her when she didn't know them. But she trusted the lady wasn't trying to pull a trick on her. "Yes, Geneva was here when you were born. Just like your aunts and uncle and the other members of our pack." Gotham nodded his head, showing his mother that he understood now. At that Cambria perked up and was bold enough to ask the lady a question. "Ou's noes dahdah?" If this lady knew both of her parents then she wasn't much of a stranger and wouldn't be so intimidating.

Amata's tail wagged furiously at that statement and her little chest puffed out. "Weallies? I'ss bigggerrs?" In her excitement she just about toppled over. Her brother gave her a look and shook his head. Savina was amazed by her little boy. Already she could see that his brain was developing much faster than his body. There were times he acted more like an adult than a pup.


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