Swallow and let it slide
Yes, I do suck. Sorryy<3[html]

indent "We can!" Icarus simply responded as he watched the mysterious pup draw closer towards him. Unlike him, Legacy was on the other side of the bank – the safe side. Icarus, however, was still alone on the small island of land dividing Yahraw for a length of a couple hundred meters. He turned his nose up to the air, sniffing as if to access the situation, then looked back towards the Jaded Shadows youngster. Maybe he had found himself a new friend.

indent "I jus’ did uh minute ago. Over there," he directed her with a toss of his head over his shoulder. He padded closer to the frozen river and sniffed at the icy cover. "Though, it did start crackin’. D’you think I can make it over?" He wasn’t sure if he really cared about her opinion or not. He had halfheartedly decided he was going to attempt to across the ice either way.


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