runaway on a leash

indent Icarus had to admit that he was a little bit cold from his tumble, but he was too excited to be free to wander Clouded Tears that thoughts of his personal comfort soon were hidden behind his excitement. He sniffed at the air as if held some sort of secret but discovered only that it smelled thickly of Clouded Tears wolves. Icarus, however young, knew there was a difference in the smell here from Storm. He didn’t, however, realize that it was in fact the smell of different leaders. He was so familiar with Storm’s scent mostly because it was his father’s.

indent "Yeah, I’m alright. It ain’t that cold. Besides, I’ve got thick fur tah keep me warm." Icarus, who was colored a deep brown considerable to his dad’s coat, looked at the onyx colored pup in front of him. Surely, they were rather different, but Icarus still felt some sort of connection with him. Perhaps it was because they were both youngsters. Or perhaps it was because they both were out here exploring alone. At least, he thought they were alone. "Whatcha doin’? Are yah out here alone?"


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