Improper Methods
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Mew Sadira
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Word Count: 444

Listening to his explanation, Mew could not help but be fascinated. Her own journey to musical understanding had been so different. She had encountered the music through copying someone else at first; a pack member of Clouded Tears had been kind enough to briefly give her guitar lessons. Then that woman had gone, and Mew was on her own again - quickly concluding that she would have to learn how to read before she could understand this with no tutor. While learning to read hadn't proved itself to be so difficult that it couldn't be mastered, she had truly hit a wall once she started actually reading the books that had convinced her that human written language was the key to music. In these books were treasures beyond what she thought, but in such difficult words - the music had its own language! So many new words needed to be learnt and understood, and hadn't it been for the music dictionary she had found, randomly and luckily, in the library in Clouded Tears, she would never have learnt anything. Then she had set off on her journey that would last one and a half year, and when she returned the old pack lands were burnt and scarred, only to stumble upon this place.

The old guitar she had had in her den at the family's packlands was broken, although she had put it back together with some help from books. It was this guitar she now reached for as she moved to another room, the door nonexistent, and Henratha could see right in. Doing so, she chuckled - a response to the luxury mentioned by the male. Luxury indeed - but then again she had worked on this her whole life, from before she was adolescent, almost. The music was Mew, Mew was the music - it was only to be expected that she acquired as much knowledge on the subject as she could. Yes, luxury.. but do you have any idea how hard it can be to find writing utensils around here? She said the sentence jokingly, it was that sort of a phrase. Smiling, she dipped her upper body through the doorway and fished out the guitar that had been leaning against the wall in that room, bringing it back to Henratha. This is the one I made. It was broken, you can see it's been burnt right here, by the neck of it. Then I found some other ones with necks intact, and pieced everything together. It looked like the puzzle it was, but the main body was one big piece. She didn't have the skills to craft something like that.


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