light up the sky
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It relieved her so much that Apollo had returned. The last time she had seen him was when she had let slip about Hybrid had done to his father. He had left to find Pilot and then never returned. She cared deeply for the boy. He had been her first pupil and one of her first friend in these lands. She almost thought of him as a little brother. The woman knew that she couldn't control him and it hadn't been the first time he had disappeared for months, but knowing that he was once again back plastered a large smile on her maw.

"Perché la ringrazia, il mio piccolo ammaliatore." There was a bit of laughter in her voice. "Non nonostante suppongo dovrei fermare la chiamata lei piccolo, dovrebbe io?" How old must he be now? It had just almost been a year since she had come to live here and he had been a few months old at that point. He probably had celebrated his first birthday. How strange that seemed. So much had happened in a year. "Le cose sono molto buone! Apollo," she couldn't wait to tell him her news. "Sono madre."


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