Alone amidst the waves
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If Firefly wants to run after him and talk to him she can, but he's not going to be around Svara anymore XD Unless they need him to carry Ruri to the cabin. He could be persuaded then.

Usually he wouldn't have just walked away. Usually he would have stood up for himself and given the rude girl attitude back. Now he neither had the strength or the energy. His life was bad enough already without someone shitting all over him for no reason. The boy was hard enough on himself, he didn't need reminding. Besides, all he had wanted to do was help Ruri. It seemed that she was in capable (although unpleasant) hands. Being verbally abused when all he was trying to do was help someone was more than he could stomach at the current time.

Though when both Firefly and Ruri called out to him he turned to face the three again. It made him feel at least a little better that it was only that one that seemed to dislike him so. For a second he was about to walk back over, but at the taunting words the wind went out of his sails again. A spark of anger lit in his chest, but only enough for him to give the half-blind bitch a glare and frown that she couldn't see. Haven lifted the bottle to his lips to take another swig of the spiced liquor. "I'm goin' back to the city." He felt he at least owed Firefly a response. The city was a large enough place that he could hide if unwelcome visitors came around.

It stung to leave Ruri. She seemed like a sweet girl and he didn't want her to think that his departure had anything to do with her. He looked sadly at the hybrid girl, even though he knew she couldn't see him.


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