keep it inside, it all goes, all goes by

A voice from inside the room called for the lovely caregiver, and so the little puppy grimaced slightly, afraid she would leave him out here where everything was strange and not home. The woman outside the room with him commented on what she saw, and the little boy felt curiosity rise unexpectedly. He wanted to see too. The woman soothed him with words and a nudge before she entered the room. Refusing to allow her to walk out of sight, the Soul offspring revealed his face in the door opening. His silvery orbs caught the scene, a black woman and.. three small puppies. They were smaller than him, and they looked very happy with their wagging tail. Conor felt a needle shoot through his heart when he gazed upon their faces. He could barely remember anything from that age. There were nothing left but blurred images and the knowledge that he had lost something, the feeling of being safe and happy, unaware of the world’s cruelty.

He slowly let the rest of his body emerge, and tiptoed into the room. Most of all he wanted to cling against the wall, but Alexey had always been his safe zone. He hurried over to the latte coated female and dived in under her. He held his breath as he stared wide eyed at all the new faces. It was sad to witness what this puppy had become. Slightly anti social and something underlying that could easily turn into a serious depression when enough time passed.


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