light up the sky
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As he said that he would love to come and see her children her smile broadened even more. She considered Apollo to be a part of her family and she wanted him to be involved in the lives of her pups. It would also give them someone to talk Italian to aside from their mother, father, aunt, and uncle. Someone a little closer to the age. Surely he would be able to show and teach them things that she would never have thought about. The mother wanted her brood to be well rounded and happy wolves. "Good. You know you're welcome anytime in Crimson Dreams." Even if he didn't want to join their ranks again, just his presence would be welcome. "You'll have to watch out for my one daughter Amata. I think she's going to be quite the little feist," she said with a bit of a laugh.

Savina hadn't been aware that Pilot had left the lands as well. She supposed it made sense. He had been through quite an ordeal, maybe he just needed to get away from it all. She grimaced for a moment at the mention of the fight. She had done her best to push it from the front of her mind, the scars that lingered right beneath her midnight fur was reminder enough for her. Thankfully it seemed Apollo wanted to avoid going to deep into that subject as well. His story was intriguing, that Pilot had stumbled upon a brother right here in Nova Scotia. "Wow really? So he had a whole family that neither of you knew about? I bet that was exciting. Did you have a good time?" Family was incredibly important to the femme, finding a bunch of relatives you didn't even know existed must have been quite a pleasant surprise.

"Squirrels?" she asked, her hands pausing in his hair. She had had some sense that Pilot's upbringing had been nontraditional, but not quite that nontraditional.


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