keep it inside, it all goes, all goes by
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At the shocked look Alexey had when she surveyed the room and those inside it occurred to Savina that her friend hadn't even known that she had even been pregnant. But then, not even she had known that she was pregnant the last time she had seen the tan girl. In fact it only would have been about a week or even less into her gestation. She could feel her face grow warm with color that was hidden by her dark face as her tail swept against the floor. "Surprise. I forgot you didn't know. I had them a few weeks ago." Her head cocked to the side as the Dahlian said comforting words to the older pup. He apparently was very uncertain about this whole situation. "You found them then?" He clearly wasn't Alexey's, she would have showed signs the last time they had seen each other.

"Thank you Alexey. They're such a blessing, I can't imagine my life without them now." Even though it had only been a few weeks time, her children were her and Kansas' life now. She knew that neither of them would change anything about their new little family. Savina watched as the chocolate boy scurried in the room and hid underneath Alexey. The poor child. She wondered if this was an effect of his kidnapping. Amata seemed oblivious to his nervousness though and she confidently waddled over to look at him. Her cream tail wagged and she issued a little bark at the boy, inviting him to play. Gotham followed behind his sister, but his greeting was more reserved and less vocal. He sniffed at Alexey and smiled up at her and then turned his eyes to the older boy. As always, Cambria was most comfortable staying by her mother's side. For a moment the sable woman also lowered her head to look at the hiding child. "Hello there," her accented tones greeted softly.

"So what news do you have? It's been longer than I realized."


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