Rail Against the Heavens
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Sad eyes looked to her as she revealed that she also looked like her awful sire. What had they done to deserve such a fate? Haven had never hurt anyone either. Didn't have a mean or cruel bone anywhere in his body. Now he wasn't so sure though. Was that kind of trait passed on through one's children? Was the ability to do those kinds of things some latent trait laying inside him, waiting for the chance to show itself? How much of his mother was in him compared to how much he had of his father? If his looks were any indication then he worried about those odds. That's why had had run away, locked himself up in this sorry excuse for a place to live. He couldn't risk hurting them. Or anyone.

At her admission his bi-colored ears flattened against his skull and he stared at her, wide-eyed and jaw dropped. "To you? He did that to you?" Oh gods... "Colibri I...I'm so sorry. I mean, I just...I'm so sorry..." He had done those horrible things to his own daughter? What kind of sick perverted fuck was this guy? In comparison his situation didn't seem quite as bad. He almost felt guilty for wallowing in such a way compared to what she had had to endure. Quickly he averted his eyes, realizing he had been staring at her. Oh great job Haven, I'm sure that being stared at makes her feel real good. What was wrong with males? He had never heard of a female ever being so cruel. Maybe it was a defect in their sex. Maybe they were all depraved pieces of garbage.

"Yeah...she gave me everything. She and my other mom. They were mates but...they broke up..." That still stung too. Suddenly he wondered if that were somehow his fault as well. He wouldn't be surprised. Those last words made him frown sadly. "I dreamed of being a knight once. Not anymore though..." Knights were better people than he was. He was weak and pathetic and tainted. Haven didn't know that he and his siblings had actually been conceived before his mother had been raped. Thought whether that fact would have made him feel better or worse was hard to say. "Yeah, but who would want children with me? I mean, you deserve to have someone that treats you right, you did nothing wrong. But me? What if I'm capable of those things too? I can't risk hurting someone that way..." As much as it hurt, he had basically resigned himself to a life of solitude to protect everyone else from what he could become.


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